Hulic Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (our company), as the operator by our company (our hotel), will effectively make use of the customer’s personal information while remaining fully aware of the importance of such information.
Our corporate policy and actions concerning personal information obtained from our customers is as explained below.
Acquisition, use and handling of customer personal information by our company will be in compliance with laws, by-laws and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information as well as policies stated herein.
Personal information concerning customers may be used for the following purposes.
Other than instances where permission has been obtained from our customers, personal information may be disclosed in situations where ① it is in compliance with the law, ② cooperation is requested by a representative of national or local government entities in order execute their legal duties and it is deemed that obtaining the customer’s permission may result in impeding the execution of such duties, ③ loss of life, bodily injury or a risk to personal property may exist, but obtaining permission proves to be difficult.
For the completion of purposes listed above, within the required parameters, our company consigns the management of personal information in part or in full. Our company, when required, provides required direction to our consignee in the handling of personal information for the safe preservation of said personal information.
We may share personal customer information as follows, subject to the necessary measures of protection.
Our company gathers personal information from every aspect of our business activities. This personal information includes the following.
Our company may also gather information concerning other individuals accompanying the customer.
When customers access and have an interaction of information on the web site operated by our company (this site), non-personal information (other information) such as directories visited and the number of times access has occurred, where the customer cannot be identified may be gathered.
Our company gathers this information using cookies and other technology. For a detailed explanation, please view the cookie statement below.
Our company will take action for effective solutions using methods such as the transmission by code through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in order to maintain accuracy in the communication of specific personal information on our site for the ① protection of personal information from unauthorized access, compromise, alteration or destruction, while ② accurately maintaining current personal information as required.
Our company will store personal information concerning our customers, only as long as deemed required, to accomplish the objectives stated in this policy. After this term has passed, or the objective has been accomplished, this information will be deleted immediately.
This site uses 「Cookie」, and 「other technology」(such as IP addresses). Through cookies and other technologies, our company and other third parties obtain information concerning our customers. We use this information to analyze customer viewing habits and improve efficiency in homepage display speeds as well as providing targeted marketing contents.
When a customer views a web site, their computer or mobile device will store this cookie as a small text file. The cookie alone cannot be used to determine the identity of the individual who has viewed the site.
Cookies may be disabled by changing the settings on your browser (choose the “help” menu on your browser).
If a customer is a WEB member, the information provided at the time of registering may be updated at any time by signing in to their WEB member profile page.
Additionally, in accordance with the law, customers may request their personal information which is stored in our company’s active data base concerning ① notification of purpose of use, ② disclosure, ③ corrections, additions, deletions, ④ discontinuation of use, deletion and ⑤ termination of provision to third parties (such as disclosure).
Any questions from customers concerning the handling of personal information by our company, disclosure or termination of use may be directed to the following.
Hulic Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
e-mail :
Our company may make changes to our policy without notice.
Date of Issue: November 7th, 2024